Fathers Have Equal Rights To Their Children
Guess what, guys? Fathers have rights! As it turns out, they have the same rights as mothers and it’s been that way in Pennsylvania for a long time. The question is, do you feel like you’re being treated equally, and fairly, by the courts?
Pennsylvania has had an equal rights amendment as part of its Constitution since the 1970s. What that means in family law cases is that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander; both mothers and fathers should have an equal opportunity to be hands-on, loving parents to their children.
Child Custody Laws In Pittsburgh Don’t Consider Gender
Custody laws have been revised to be gender neutral. The custody law says that there shall be no presumption that custody should be awarded to a particular parent. That means there should be no presumption in favor of mom, or dad, for that matter. In fact, the custody law specifically says:
“Gender neutral — In making a determination under subsection (a), no party shall receive preference based upon gender in any award granted under this chapter.”
However, that doesn’t mean that every case is decided perfectly. Sometimes it feels like the court prefers one parent over the other simply or solely because of that parent’s gender. That’s wrong.
As your lawyer, I can help you to be viewed by the court as the loving and caring parent you are, who is entitled to spend as much custody time as possible with their child. I represent men and I represent women in custody cases, so I can see both sides of the issues and can help you to make decisions based upon my years of experience viewing all sides of these cases.*
In a perfect world, dads should have custody of their children and moms should have custody of their children. Of course, when you separate that’s not possible. When you separate, sharing the time available may be the best solution. But sometimes that’s not possible or even desirable. I can help you decide what’s right for your family.
Everyone agrees that it is best for children if there is no conflict between their parents, but it takes both parents for cooperation to succeed. Sometimes parents can solve these problems by themselves. But sometimes they can’t.
Let Me Help You Protect Or Enforce Your Rights
If you are having difficulty working out custody issues with your spouse, I can help. Call 412-567-6143 to set up a time to meet and discuss your particular circumstance. You can also reach me through email.
*I practice law primarily in the areas of domestic relations and consumer debt. My law office is designated as a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.